Monday, July 26, 2010

Life Lessons

One day last week or the week before I was having a bad day. You know, one of those days you feel so sorry for your perfect life and can't seem to get past all the extremely silly things you're so "depressed" by. Yes, rough life. In my fumbling around online to find God's life lessons (oh, the irony...), I did come across something that is worth sharing. I think the girl called them the "10 Dating Mantras" or something of that sort but I just think they are good things for any female to remind themselves every now and then.

1. I can't control behavior. I can only control my reaction to it.
2. I am a human being worthy of love.
3. Everyone is responsible for guarding their own heart.
4. Big picture, big picture.
5. I am lucky to be alive.
6. Life never ceases to surprise me.
7. It is okay to be sad.
8. I am taking it one day at a time.
9. This too shall pass.
10. Everything will work out in the end.
11. Serenity now.

Interesting - that's 11. Oh well.

When I read over these, it seems like most should pertain to breakups. But anyone of these things standing alone could mean a totally different thing when not relating to "dating." Job, family, yard work, etc. I'm almost certain whatever it was I was upset about had nothing to do with dating. Regardless of what it was, I felt the need to take note of these in the even I needed a little encouragement. Take them however you'd like but I can only hope they might be helpful to another person.