Friday, May 21, 2010

GTL7DFL Days 4

Day 4: Not only is today day 4 of this biz but it is also my last day of work, living in Memphis and hopefully the day I'll FINALLY close on my new humble abode. Yesterday, I ate well and the felt good about the GTL7DFL since it was really the only day I had done it correctly. And then I got off work. I met the Auntie for drinks before our painting class and I ordered sliders and fries. Good call, Carolyn. Then we get to the class and low and behold Kloker has so graciously provided us all with a Chickfila Nugget tray. During our book club meetings, it never fails that the nugget tray positions itself directly in front of me and draws my hand to it like a magnet. I end up consuming at least 5 servings of these nuggets. Well, last night the nugget tray was positioned across the room but that didn't stop me from eating my share from last night as well as my share from the book club meeting I missed on Tuesday. The point I'm getting to here is that I woke up around 3am and puked my guts up. I took that as a sign from the cleanse gods that when they say avoid fried foods, they aren't kidding! Good news - weighed this morning and lost another pound! 3lbs total and I will say that a large bulk of it has to be water weight. (Try this and you'll get my drift) Another important thing to note is the GTL7DFL suggests you exercise an hour a day. Any normal week I would be doing this already except this week is far from normal and my gym membership has expired. I'm hoping to make up for it this weekend during the big move!!! (Fingers and toes still crossed...)


DRGM said...

Nug-gets! Nug-gets! Nug-gets! I just hope when you move to Nashville, you get the appropriate amount of life-sustaining CFA...