Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

So I have been busting my tail to get this book, The Help, finished to return to Auntie in order for her to have enough time to read it before our next book club meeting. Yes, I am a 25 year old book clubber. Another blog for another day! (Nashville ladies, I'm thinking we should start one!)

This book really took me by suprise! I loved it! I remember the day I picked it up and opened the first page to begin reading. The grammar was that of an African American woman living in the 1960s. After adjusting to the flow, I was so happy she narrated that character like she did. It allowed the reader to get further involved in the character's life. Jodi Picoult attempts this sort of thing by changing the fonts and such with each character. It makes me crazy and I refuse to read her books now. Not the case with ol' Kathryn. (Not to mention she doesn't change characters at a nauseating rate.) I didn't think I was going to be able to read an entire book written in the dialect of a 1960s maid in Jackson, Mississippi but it really made the book what it is. Aibileen, Minny and Miss Skeeter are fun characters and you can't help but care about their futures.

I won't blab too much about the happenings because I wouldnt' want to spoil book club for those who haven't read and some who likely won't read this book. Good vacay read! Enjoy!


Joey said...

I started it a week ago and it is sooo good so far!

Unknown said...

Can I join your Nashville book club?!! That would be super cool!

Donna said...

I'm loving this book. Can't wait for BC.

But Carolyn, whatever do you mean some might not finish? :)

Carolyn said...

Christy- DUH!!!

And Donna, I think you know exactly what I mean! :)

Emma Aileen said...

OMG I would LOVE a book club!!! This is a fantastic idea! And since your moving to east Nashville, you will live about 10 min away from me since I'm downtown =) yay!!!