Wednesday, April 21, 2010

...but on the bright side

Blogging: seems like a pretty rowdy concept if you are doing something cool like getting married, selling something, making fun of people, adopting a child, etc. These are all reasons friends of mine have created blogs. I am doing none of the above. If for any reason at all, I am blogging to waste time, vent and maybe even to make myself a tad bit more interesting. More importantly, I'm blogging to increase positivity within my own mind...

Enter the blog: ....but on the bright side. I've always been one to sort of think things through too much and even become extremely negative about ideas and people just simply by thinking too much about it. Recently, it has occured to me that there is always a bright side. It might take us a while to figure out what that might be, but it is definitely there. My blogging experience might change directions over the course of its life, however short-lived it might be. My thoughts behind it is simply to share my "positive views" on these not so "positive" occurences in the lives of 25 years young individuals such as myself.

Current situation: house, job. You see, I just purchased a home in a town I do not currently reside in or even have so much as a job. Crazy? Probably a little. Did I think too much about this purchase? OBVIOUSLY not or I would not have made such an extremely rash decision. ....but on the bright side, I LOVE IT! It's perfect and I KNOW I will be so very happy there. Another bright side (woohoo! big step, there's more than one!), I get to live with one of my best friends and exactly 3.5 miles from another one and have plenty of sleeping space for all the others! Yep, looks like this one will turn out A-OK!

As for the job situation, I'll be posting that bright side when there is one to post.... Until then, I'm decorating in my mind.


Unknown said...

Kudos to you Carolyn! I love your reasoning behind blogging and I LOVE your theme. Keep it up and good luck with the BIG move!