Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sleep to Dream

Do you ever wake up and think - "I'd give just about anything to not have to: leave bed, warm myself up after leaving bed, weigh, shower, brush teeth, moisturize, apply makeup, dry hair, straighten said hair, dress myself, grab lunch and keys and scoot out the door?" Oh really? Me too! This has been happening to me more lately than usual and I think I will contribute it the act of "Springing Forward." While I'm loving the sun shining when I get off work and being able to sit on the back porch and see GREEN grass, I think the dark mornings are taking their toll on my morning routine. I suppose it will get better in the near future.
I need opinions here. I've been looking for a bed, mainly just a head board, for quite awhile now. Maybe this will help my sleeping patterns. I've found two that are pretty fun. Tell me what you think...


I'm leaning towards Louis but only because it comes in black. Opinions matter :)

Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!



S. Pierce said...

Louis is not bad. Black would be especially pretty...but the other is just so different that I am just about head over heels.

Joey said...

I agree with Sara I LOVE Claudette!