Thursday, September 23, 2010

Life Lately

It has been quite some time since I posted anything. I don't feel bad about it since only a couple of people have updated their blog in the last, oh, 4 months.


  • Work - I've been working. A lot. Funny how things can go from so painfully boring to staying late and working weekends at the drop of a hat. I LOVE being busy. It makes the day go by so much quicker and I feel like I'm actually needed on the job!
  • Football - After spending a fun-filled Labor Day weekend with RB, Puh and J-Money, I've spent the last two weekends attending football games. UT vs. Orgeon left a lot to be desired. Nothing like standing for an hour and a half in the corridor of one of the largest STEEL stadiums in the country while a hellacious storm passes through. Oh and the game went quickly downhill after that storm. Titans vs. Raiders the following day was a good way to end the weekend. Then there was this past weekend. UT vs. FL - I've seen worse games. I've had much crazier weekends in Knoxville. BUT I have NEVER sweated so much in Neyland Stadium (or anywhere other than Bonnaroo) in my lifetime. It was a scorcher! My arms were the color of ketchup by halftime. Titans vs. Steelers. Thanks. God. I. Didn't. Attend.
  • Kickball - I've been playing a little kickball lately. Nothing like a Tuesday night kicking a ball and drinking beer. On an organized team. Well I was on an organized team until this week when I "tore" my left quadricep and pulled the heck out of the right one. And cried for the whole second half of the game. It hurt like a mother. Still a little tender but I'm hoping to be back on the field for the next game. That is unless my team is embarrassed by my lack of muscular endurance. You simply cannot cry in kickball. Who does that?!
  • TV - This could possibly be the greatest week in TV history. Monday night I tuned into "The Event." I was cooking dinner during the first half but JED brought me up to speed. I think it's going to be a good one. Tuesday night was the season premiere of "Parenthood." Gotta love that show. Last night I attempted to watch "Undercovers" because it is written by the "Lost" dude. It was alright but the urge to clean hit me mid-show and so I might have to re-watch. Tonight is Grey's and Private Practice. Nuff' said. Sunday is Brothers and Sisters. Rob Lowe is dead. Sad day. I, unfortunately, have missed every new episode of Weeds and Gossip Girl this season. I don't have Showtime and Bachelor Pad conflicted with GG. Must catch up on them both.

I am trying to decide if and when to have a gathering at the not-so-new house. Halloween would be perfect but I don't have a costume or an idea so that sorta puts a damper on that. Possibly a weekend before with football watching and pumpkin carving instead. Fall is pretty rad except for Fall at 90+ degrees. Thank you, Mother Nature/Global Warming/El Nino.


Unknown said...

A little late to leave a comment, but seriously.... hottest game in Neyland Stadium. Ever. I had sweat marks on my butt(I mean my sister didn't even have this going on) and I almost threw up due to just being super f'ing hot.