Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Too Much...

I've been in a rut lately. I got some news today that will hopefully tied me over for a month or so until better opportunities present themselves. At least that is what I will tell myself until then.

I think this is just a weird time. It is still sort of that transitioning phase from college student to adult. Sometimes I still get the desire to have a few beers on a work night but then the weekend rolls around and I'm not looking forward to a night on the town. I blame part of this on being older and not "recovering" as easily and the other part on the expenses one entails when out on the town. This "expense" makes me miss college even more! Not because I didn't always pay my bar tabs out of my own pocket (Thanks, Mom!) but because college towns are so stinking cheap! Dollar drafts; two for one longnecks (and jager bombs. vom.); and who can forget, FREE beer. Roll back the time machine, will ya!

That's just what I plan to do this weekend. Roll back that ol' time machine. It's homecoming in the bustling town of Cookeville, TN. That means good food, great friends and CHEAP DRINKING!!