Thursday, May 20, 2010

GTL7DFL Days 2 and 3

Day 2: Worst day of my life. Nothing to do with the GNC Total Lean 7 Day Fast Loss.

Day 3, 11am: At my desk and just now beginning my day of Fast Loss. Currently drinking a Vanilla Bean Total Lean shake which I have really become a fan of. I've lost two pounds thus far though I wouldn't say it's due to the GTL7DFL as much as it is due to being under CRAZY amounts of stress. I have been traversing the state like a mad woman the last two days and so it has been very hard for me to eat the blueberries and strawberries and tuna wraps which are not served out of drive thru windows. I've done my best, kinda. Recap of days - Day 1 night I got a bit off course after moving furniture with my bro, father and friend of the bros. We hit up the ol' Sonic which has absolutely NOTHING guilt-free on its menu. I went with the Grilled Chicken Wrap and (wait for it....) cheese fries. Day 2 began well with my shake and yogart parfait from McDonald's for a snack. When I arrived home, we had ZERO food in our house (my mother is clearly more concerned with her campaign than feeding our bellies) so me and the Mom met for lunch at Sister's. I thought this would be okay since I could get the veggies it tells me to eat. Low and behold, I end up with Meatloaf, Green Beans, White Beans (I was really feel the legumes), and Mashed Potatoes. Toss in a piece of cornbread and a roll and you have a whopping million calories. Oops! For dinner I had a small chicken salad of some sort and a sammie from Quiznos. Not bad at all. LOTS of food for only $5!! And I ate it all... So as you can see, I've really done well with this whole experiment. Luckily I have 4 days left!

Side note: if you add a little more water than the directions tell you on the side of the Pre-Diet Cleanse, it sort of tastes like sour lemonade which is a heck of a lot better than what it was before!


kitzie shepard said...

eager to hear about the success of your total lean fast loss
and, i am pretty sure there should be a sisters meatloaf and veggies pass- if not, there most definitely should be